The Making of a Meadow - Talk, Walk & Tea


Summer dates for 2025 tbc

Our meadow looks glorious in summer, as flowers bloom and seed heads ripen under the sun. They are hugely important resources which provide a sanctuary for wildlife, lock up carbon and are vital to our wellbeing.

Join us in our meadow for a very special event to celebrate the value of our local biodiverse grasslands and meadows.

The afternoon includes:

  • an illustrated talk telling the story of restoring our field into a meadow with the help of ScotFWAG*’s Birds & Bees Project. It looks at the positive impact that this project has had on the ecology of our small farm in a remarkably short space of time.
  • a guided walk around our meadow identifying the grasses, wildflowers and pollinators that thrive here.
  • tea and homemade scones

Tickets are £16**

Email to check availability and to buy tickets 


*Scottish Farming and Wildlife Advisors’ Group

**All proceeds from this event will fund additional meadow management which includes buying seeds and plug plants.