21 Ways to Rewild Yourself

Rewilding has become a very controversial term over the past few years. Ask any farmer round here about the reintroduction of beaver and lynx and watch the air turn blue! However, for many, the concept has become a beacon of hope in the current climate crisis. This is what Rewilding Britain has to say about its aims,

‘Rewilding is the large-scale restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature can take care of itself. It seeks to reinstate natural processes and, where appropriate and when the time is right, reintroduce missing species – allowing them to shape the landscape and its habitats. Rewilding offers hope and the opportunity to give nature (and us) a fighting chance – bringing it back to life, saving wildlife, tackling climate breakdown, and benefiting people and communities. It’s about moving from nature protection to recovery and restoration.’

Rewilding Britain is a super informative website for anyone who would like to know more.

Isabella Tree is the queen of rewilding in the UK and her pioneering work at the Knepp Estate is inspirational. We’re featuring one of her books in this month’s newsletter.

Here at The Lint Mill we value the opportunity that our space offers to those who wish to rekindle a connection with nature and in the spirit of rewilding, we offer you 21 ways to remember that connection. Also, they are all things you can do at The Lint Mill without going anywhere. Some can be tried wherever you are.

  1. Roll down a hill – we have some excellent hilly meadows
  2. Camp out in the wild
  3. Forage for mushrooms – The Lint Mill is fungi-tastic
  4. Run around in the rain – or snuggle in and read a book by the fire
  5. Fly a kite
  6. Catch a fish with a net – we can provide the net
  7. Eat an apple straight from a tree – September and October are the best months for this
  8. Paddle, swim or sail down our river – we have a coracle you can use
  9. Go sledging – we often have beautiful snowy winters
  10. Make a grass trumpet
  11. Hunt for insects – use our magnifying bug collector
  12. Track a wild animal – we have badgers, otters and foxes here
  13. Watch the sunrise
  14. Stargaze – we have very dark skies here
  15. Watch the barn owls at dusk – we’ll show you where to find their nest box
  16. Find and identify the metal birds – we can give you clues
  17. Find and identify real birds
  18. Count butterflies in the Birds and Bees meadow
  19. Take a night walk without a torch
  20. Eat a fresh tomato sun-warmed from the polytunnel
  21. Toast marshmallows over the firepit – we’ll provide the wood and sticks

Have fun!

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