This time of year invites contemplation, candlelight and connection. Contemplation The festive period can often give us a little more space than we are used to in our day to day lives. Despite the somewhat frenetic preparations that Christmas seems to induce, there is the blissful period of calm between Christmas Day and New Year’s […]
We have lived at The Lint Mill since October 1st 2009. We have been learning to live sustainably, to learn from our land and to listen to the wisdom that sits in this place, our home, our landscape.
I am not a photographer, but I do love taking photographs of our lives at The Lint Mill. I don’t have any fancy equipment. All our photos are taken on my iPhone. I love the convenience of having my phone in my pocket and being able to capture what I encounter. Taking photographs this way […]
(With apologies to Bob Kennard whose book title I have borrowed. ) We have been breeding sheep since we moved to The Lint Mill in 2009. We began with Shetlands, then Hebrideans, before settling on Soay sheep. In addition, last year we began breeding Castlemilk Moorit sheep. All of these breeds are native to Scotland […]
As I write this month’s journal entry, I am aware that I began last month’s journal entry with a moan about the weather and I’m about to do it again! Sadly, August was a washout and the first two weeks of September have been very rainy, very windy and increasingly cold. We have lit the […]
As summers go, 2024 has on the surface, been a disappointing one. After such a wet spring we were feeling hopeful about a good summer…long, lazy days with only the humming of the bees to disturb the peace! Sadly, apart from some crucially good days at the end of July, the weather feels more like […]
We are thrilled to have been awarded a Food and Farming Sustainability Award from RBST Scotland. The Lint Mill is the 2024 Sustainable Small Farm of the Year (sponsored by the Scottish Smallholders Association). On 20th June we were presented with our award at The Royal Highland Show by Mairi Gougeon MSP, Cabinet Secretary for […]
We enjoy eating chicken and have always bought free-range, organic birds. The plight of the factory-produced bird has been well-documented over the years. Some of you may recall Hugh’s Chicken Run a TV programme screened in 2008 as part of Channel 4’s ‘Food Fight’ series in which celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall launched the campaign to encourage more consumers […]
The seemingly endless dark grey, leaden skies and rainy days that have characterised much of the early part of this year have finally given way to warmth and sunshine. The grass is flourishing and the ewes and lambs are enjoying their days together and we are enjoying them epitomising the word ‘gambol’. Meanwhile, the many […]
Rewilding has become a very controversial term over the past few years. Ask any farmer round here about the reintroduction of beaver and lynx and watch the air turn blue! However, for many, the concept has become a beacon of hope in the current climate crisis. This is what Rewilding Britain has to say about […]
Did you know that there is a Snowdrop Festival, featuring fantastic events throughout winter across Scotland? There is so much written about the snowdrop, its symbolism and its place in folklore and literature. One of my favourite stories about the ‘Fair Maid of February’ is this ancient German tale; At the beginning of all things […]